With a modern fleet of heavy equipment at its back, PME delivers all projects on time, within budget, and with the utmost safety, quality, and environmental stewardship. PME can also construct and complete roadways and area surfacing with gravel or paving. Our company has the ability to manage any project, however lean or sophisticated projects demand it. With the Completion of Earthworks, Road building & Site Preparation, including Topsoil/Subsoil Stripping & Hauling, Common excavation (cut to fill), import/export of fill materials, Granular installation for Pads, roads and Tank Foundations. Detail excavation for deep and shallow footings.
- Dewatering
- Reclamation
- Road construction
- Railway construction
- Trenchless installation
- Ponds & containments
- Bulk earthwork & grading
- Tree clearing and grubbing
- Sewer & water infrastructure
- Underground process/effluent line